Challenge Exam Registration Form

Before you register for a challenge exam, please read the information below.

What you need:

1. A copy of the CS100 or the CT100 study guide*
2. Valid photo ID to show at the time of your exam
3. "Enroll" in your test via Blackboard. You will receive instructions to do this in your MassBay email about 48 hours prior to your test.

*After you submit this form, you will get an email with a copy of the study guide for the exam you're taking. If for some reason you do not receive this email, please notify me ASAP at

CS100 – Computers and Technology

Multiple choice portion
-75 questions
-1 hour timed
Lab portion
-Students will follow instructions for Excel, Word, and Powerpoint and submit documents
-2 hours timed

CT100 - Critical Thinking

Multiple choice portion
-76 questions
-1 hour timed
Writing portion
-9 short responses
-1 hour timed

BI215/BI217 - Anatomy and Physiology I and II

-50 multiple choice questions
-1 hour timed

Fee Information:

-Challenge exams have a non-refundable fee of $50.
-This fee will be added to your student account 72 hours prior to your test date.
-Once the fee is applied, you will not be able to get a refund.
-If you need to cancel your test, you will be required to give at least 72 hours notice.
-If your fee has already been applied and you need to reschedule, you will have 90 days to do so before you will need to pay the fee again.

You will receive your results 4-6 weeks after taking the exam.

Only one challenge exam can be taken per testing date.

If you have a documented disability and would like to discuss any academic accommodations for this exam, please contact the Accessibility Resources Center at